you are the cutest little boy asleep
like a heathen legs wide & sheet-tangled
a bed of rainbows & donuts & all your best friends
(are silent) no Deco artist designed you
gangly neotenous elbowed& kneed thing
til death adolescent the plaid skirt itself
breaks curfew ah! it rises and swirls
like the first ever turns red-black stripe red-black
baby-halty eyes widen
the discovery of girlhood that wet
of a body still being learned--another naked dance
for a body still being learned--the first personal language
the last cartwheel is far too distance
the sand that drips from your underfoot
is sandiegan the hands' undertan knows
the blue-brown mix of beach
(& this can be a song in Robinese)
for applemound breasts & pearbottom
peachvellum tree brown yes & blue & future blue
the afro sprouts has become a halo
of strangers' caught compliments our thought cloud
in the glow of somewhere else you carry
& will one day return to a star or sun isn't that right?